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文学与新闻传播学院成立于2006年,其前身是1978年与学校同时诞生、师生人才辈出的中文系,拥有筚路蓝缕、以启山林的奋斗历史。功力深厚的古典文学与文化研究专家、钱钟书先生挚友白敦仁教授,著名诗人、杜诗研究大家钟树梁教授,新中国第一部 《文学概论》主要编撰者之一的谢宇衡教授,我国现代秘书学开创者之一的常崇宜教授,在美学和生态文艺领域卓有建树的曾永成教授等一批知名学者先后在此执教,形成了严谨治学、精心育人的优良传统。



近年, 学院立项国家社科基金项目20项,国家社科文库入库成果1项;立项省部级科研、教改项目30余项,获得四川省社会科学优秀成果奖8项,其中一等奖1项、二等奖2项,获得省级教学成果奖2项,《国学经典导论》被列为省级一流课程;获得成都市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖34项,包括一等奖1项。学院建有“一带一路”与巴蜀文化数字化工程实验室(四川省哲学社会科学重点实验室),省级科普基地“中华文化与城市传承”基地、省级高校重点中华优秀传统文化学院“天府文化学院”,与成都市委宣传部共建“天府文化研究院”、“新闻学院”,以及成都大学“文明互鉴与‘一带一路’”研究中心等平台,在生态文艺学、巴蜀文学与地域文化研究、汉语言文字学、比较文学与世界文学、媒介研究、地方媒体发展与社会治理等方面具有较强的研究实力和鲜明特色。先后主办或承办了跨文化背景下的汉学研究与汉语教学国际论坛、天府文化与成都国家中心城市建设论坛、2018年中国传媒经济与管理年会、2019年中国广播电视学年会、2021年国际认知传播学会年会等学术会议、2022年“文明互鉴与文学传播”国际学术研讨会暨四川省比较文学学会第十三届年会


在全院师生的不懈努力下,学院荣获四川省教育工委“ 四川省高校优秀服务型党组织”,中共成都市委、成都市政府“成都市模范集体”,成都市总工会“成都市先进职工小家”,成都市教育系统“创先争优先进基层党组织”等表彰。




       The College of Literature and journalism was established in 2006, and it used to be Chinese Department of 36-year old history. A great many of reputed professors did teaching here,like Bai dunren,Zhong shuliang,Xie yuheng,Chang chongyi,Zeng yongcheng.

       The college has a team of teachers with reasonable age, education background, academic background structure and strong ambition. At present, there are 80 faculty members. Among them, there are 12 professors, 23 associate professors, 42 doctors and 22 double-qualified teachers. Professor Cao Shunqing, a distinguished professor of Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry of Education, a national famous teacher, a trans-century talent of the Ministry of Education, and an academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, is the honorary president of the college.

        The college is committed to cultivating the inheritors of Chinese culture and the disseminators of Chinese voice, closely combining the needs of Chengdu to build a national central city and the development needs of Sichuan, adhering to the principle of establishing morality and cultivating people, and focusing on cultivating the compound and applied talents who are competent for the heritage of Chengdu's historical culture and meet the modernization and internationalization pursuit of Chengdu. There are four undergraduate majors in Chinese language and literature, radio and television science, Chinese international education and network and new media, as well as two master's degree authorization points in journalism and communication, and Chinese language and literature. Among the four undergraduate majors, Chinese language and literature have a deep foundation, a rigorous style of study, and a large number of excellent and outstanding alumni have been trained; Founded in 1994, the major of radio and television has always been closely integrated with the news and communication and cultural undertakings in Chengdu. It is unique in serving the development of the news and communication undertakings in Sichuan and Chengdu. It is a pilot and first-class major of the school's education and training program for outstanding talents; The major of Chinese international education has a high degree of internationalization, is backed by Chengdu, and has rich resources. It is a key construction specialty in Chengdu, and a school-level first-class specialty; The network and new media major enrolled the first class of students in 2017, ranking B+in the "2021 ranking of Chinese universities in soft science", ranking the top 25% in the country, and being newly added as a school-level first-class major. Among the two master's degree authorization points, Journalism and Communication is the professional master's degree authorization point. Enrollment will begin in 2019 to cultivate advanced applied talents with international vision and new media communication concepts, solid professional basic knowledge, various media content production and communication skills, and familiar with urban culture; Chinese language and literature is the authorized point of academic master's degree, which was approved in 2021. Based on the principle of "wide caliber and thick foundation", it aims to cultivate high-quality compound talents with solid basic theories and extensive professional knowledge. The college has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents, such as the winners of the "United Nations Medal of Peace" and the excellent team of social practice in the "three rural areas" of the Youth League Central Committee during the summer vacation. Under the careful guidance of teachers, the student team has won more than 100 awards at or above the provincial and ministerial level, such as the best micro video award of "I and my motherland", the first prize of the China Data News Competition, the bronze prize of the provincial "Internet plus" competition, and the first prize of the provincial "Challenge Cup".

        In recent years, the college has established 20 projects of the National Social Science Foundation and 1 achievement of the National Social Science Library; 28 provincial and ministerial-level scientific research and educational reform projects have been established, and 8 Sichuan Social Science Excellent Achievement Awards have been awarded, including 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, and 2 provincial teaching achievement awards. Introduction to Classical Chinese Studies has been listed as a provincial first-class course; It has won nearly 34 excellent achievements in philosophy and social sciences in Chengdu, including 1 first prize. The college has built the "the Belt and Road" and Bashu Culture Digital Engineering Laboratory (Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences), the "Chinese Culture and Urban Heritage" base of the provincial popular science base, the "Tianfu Culture College" of the key Chinese excellent traditional culture college of provincial universities, and the "Tianfu Culture Research Institute" and "Journalism School" jointly with the Publicity Department of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, As well as platforms such as the "Civilization Mutual Learning and the" the Belt and Road "Research Center of Chengdu University, it has strong research strength and distinctive characteristics in ecological literature and art, Bashu literature and regional culture research, Chinese philology, comparative literature and world literature, media research, local media development and social governance. He has successively hosted or hosted the International Forum on Sinology Research and Chinese Language Teaching in the cross-cultural context, the Tianfu Culture and Chengdu National Central City Construction Forum, the 2018 Annual Conference of China's Media Economy and Management, the 2019 Annual Conference of China's Radio and Television Academy, the 2021 Annual Conference of the International Cognitive Communication Society, and other academic conferences, the 2022 International Academic Seminar on "Mutual Learning of Civilizations and Literary Communication" and the 13th Annual Conference of the Sichuan Society of Comparative Literature.

       The college is committed to cultivate competitive and high quality applied talents, we cooperated with other 3 colleges to establish “cultural creative talents” training platform, which draw attention of the ministry of education. Chinese literature has a solid foundation and cultivated many outstanding alumni; Broadcast and Television Journalism distinguished itself in the field of serving Chengdu’s journalism and cultural undertakings, we have close cooperation with the municipal party committee propaganda department ,municipal cultural bureau as well as Chengdu media group. Plus, the program of joint training postgraduate with the waikato institute of technology of New Zealand has prospered steadily. More than half of the teaching staff of Teaching Chinese as a foreign language has overseas teaching experience. Our college established a Confucius institute in American(there is just 3 universities have Confucius institute in Sichuan province) and we cooperated with many Thailand universities.

       The graduates of this college are mainly government official, university professor, enterprise elite and excellent teachers of primary and secondary schools. The employment rate of our graduates always above 95%.